Women are increasingly assert their presence alongside their male counterparts across various domains. However, the allocation of venture capital remains disproportionately skewed against women-founded companies, not only in Sweden but also globally. Bridging this funding gap is crucial for achieving equity and fostering innovation.

On September 29, 2022, I participated in the Female Founders event held at Slagthuset Malmö. This empowering platform provided women entrepreneurs with the opportunity to showcase their business. The event, organized by esteemed entities such as Dagens Industri along with other partners include Sting, Bonnier Ventures, Danske Bank, Almi invest, Hand in hand Sweden, and Fellowmind, highlighted the collective effort to support and promote female-led businesses. By amplifying the voices of female founders and facilitating their access to resources, we will create a more inclusive and prosperous entrepreneurial ecosystem.

At the event, six female founders pitched in a competition. The jury included Faten Mustafa, Investment Manager at Almi Invest, Sofia Hasselberg, Investment Director at Bonnier Ventures, Sara Linander, Investor and future strategist, and Joel Eklund, Investor & chairman of the board for TePe and Hövding. I also had the pleasure of listening from entrepreneur Charlotta Tönsgård and a knowledgeable panel of investors from Pale Blue Dot, Hetch and Fast Track Capital on fundraising and how we can work together to support more female founders.

Skilsmässoentreprenören tog hem segern i Female Founders i Skåne
Den digitala skilsmässotjänsten Endbright med grundaren och vd:n Charlotte Ljung stod som vinnare i pitchtävlingen på Female Founders i Skåne. Hon direktkvalificerar sig till finalen i Stockholm den 30 november.”Det är en superinjektion för hela teamet.”

Six Startups


Charlotte Ljung, the founder of Endbright, was the winner of Female Founders 2022 in Skåne. By offering personalized assistance, individuals can develop tailored plans that align with their unique needs and circumstances. Charlotte's inspiration for creating Endbright stemmed from her personal experience with divorce, as she recognized the absence of such crucial services during her own separation journey.


Tatiana Amaya Vanegas, the founder of ClowID, has developed a digital solution that improved customer engagement through smart digital receipts, analytics and marketing tools. In 2017, she successfully brought her innovative concept to life. ClowID has been selected as one of the startups in the current cohort at Minc Incubator and was recognized as a finalist in the prestigious 2020 Venture Cup Region Syd competition.

Setting itself apart from the competition, ClowID stands as the sole provider of a digital smart receipt customer engagement solution that requires no upfront development costs for merchants, all while ensuring complete user anonymity.


Patricia Moller is a founder of Poasana. With a strong belief in the significance of a harmonious acoustic environment for enhancing overall well-being, she developed the cutting-edge soundboards, which boast an exceptional A-rating and incorporate the exclusive Mindwool element.

This innovative component ensures optimal absorption of undesirable sounds, setting Poasana apart from conventional offerings and providing users with an unparalleled audio ambiance.


Kristina Ingvar is the founder of SpeakSum. SpeakSum was one of the winners of STARTUP 2022 at Venture Cup. "SpeakSum is a real-time cloud based meeting analysis tool dedicated to promoting more meaningful and equitable dialogue in meetings."


Maja Frankiewicz is a founder of Nikdev. Their goal is to maximize the efficiency of data utilization in construction projects while minimizing the consumption of earth's finite resources. Leveraging their extensive expertise in construction and building information modeling, they create digital solutions that enables transparent data flows for all actors in the built environment.


Jasmi Thrikediswarenaden and Cecilia Langéen are the founders of PayZlip. PayZlip offers a comprehensive toolset to enhance productivity and simplify crucial financial processes. The inception of PayZlip arose from the founders' firsthand experience with the limitations of existing time reporting and payroll systems. It motivated them to create a more robust and user-friendly alternative.

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