The Nordic Fe:Male Invest Summit 2022, hosted by MINC, proved to be a dynamic event, brimming with remarkable ideas. In a climate where female-founded companies in Europe receive disproportionately less venture capital, MINC took the initiative to convene founders, investors, and organizations to examine the underlying causes and explore avenues for improvement.

The event served as a rallying point, prompting discussions, connections, and initiatives to address the funding disparity faced by female entrepreneurs. Beyond networking and matchmaking, I also enjoyed listening to nine inspiring female founders, who showcased their innovative startups.

The Nine Startups

Sightic is an AI-powered tool that analyzes eye images and movements to detect drug and alcohol influence. Developed from Swedish research and in partnership with top hospitals and institutions like Sahlgrenska University Hospital, it ensures ethical and GDPR-compliant data handling. Key collaborators include Chalmers University and the Swedish Transport Administration.

Commu, founded by three entrepreneurs, is an app connecting people in need of assistance with local volunteers. Aimed at private users and organizations, Commu strives to strengthen community bonds and reduce isolation by making it easier to seek and offer help.

Scalinq focuses on enhancing quantum computing by increasing qubit numbers. With no practical solutions available for the mass market, Scalinq's mission is to commercialize their innovative approaches to push forward the development of large-scale quantum processors.

DORA aims to address the upcoming 2024 mandate for large companies to report CO2 emissions from driving, DORA provides a tool for hauliers to automatically calculate and share their CO2 data, ensuring transparency and compliance with reporting standards.

Sustie is an online platform offering sustainability insights for online shopping. It provides real-time environmental impact data, along with sustainable alternatives like rentals and second-hand items, empowering users to make eco-friendly choices.

Rekonnect is a B2B SaaS platform designed for MedTech companies, facilitating Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices post-release, in line with EU MDR regulations for healthcare quality and safety.

Asker Technologies aids firms in conducting structured, fair, and efficient job interviews by offering a platform for standardized questions and unbiased evaluation, ensuring a more equitable recruitment process.

Aris Robotics specializes in AI-driven automated waste sorting technology, aiming to improve recycling efficiency without the need for significant facility modifications, thereby promoting sustainable waste management practices.

Konvoj is working on a digital scheduling optimization tool for the healthcare and long-term care sectors, addressing the need to replace outdated and inefficient IT systems with modern, efficient digital solutions.

The Winner

Sidsel Høyer Knudsen from DORA was awarded to be the winner by the jury based on the quality of the pitch, market potential, team and their progress.

Recent data reveals that companies with at least one woman on their founding team are now over two times more likely to be engaged in impactful endeavors. It is imperative that we actively prioritize the hiring, investing, and mentoring of women and individuals from diverse backgrounds.

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