In 2020, I step foot in Israel for the first time. I was captivated by Tel Aviv's vibrant energy. The city is filled with a mix of modernity and ancient charm which created an atmosphere unlike any other. Israel's reputation as a hub for cutting-edge innovation and entrepreneurship intrigued me.

Representing Helsinki Business Hub in Israel, I attended several tech conferences in a week to explore Israel's startup ecosystem and connect with founders, investors and key partners. I had the chance to showcase the exciting opportunities that Finland and Helsinki have to offer to Israeli investors. From our thriving startup ecosystem to the supportive business environment, I highlighted the potential for fruitful partnerships between Israel and Finland.

Venture Capital in Israel

For me, it was a rewarding experience to learn from Tim Lafferty and his team at GCV. According to GCV's report, the majority of corporate ventures in Israel are big names of multinational companies such as Samsung, Qualcomm, Intel, and Johnson & Johnson. Also, Israeli corporates tend to prefer to invest in promising life science and IT startups and tend to opt for mid and later-stage rounds. However, many deals in Israel are not disclosed and we needed to take a pinch of salt when evaluating this information.

"Despite venture capital investments as a share of GDP ranking above the OECD average in three out of five Nordic countries, the region still lags behind Israel and the US. Yearly venture capital investments are roughly 0.04% of GDP in the Nordic region, versus 0.02% in the OECD, 0.36% in the US and 0.38% in Israel." 

Below you can read a bit more about this topic:

Analysis: Focus on Israel - Global Venturing
Just ahead of our third annual GCV Israel conference, we take a quick look at corporates’ interest in the rich venturing and innovation scene of Israel.

Upon arriving in Tel Aviv, I was excited to prepare to host the dinner for Corporate Venture Capitalists (CVC) in Israel, in collaboration with the GCV and Axis team. It was an incredible opportunity for me to be a part of this event and interact with seasoned CVC investors. As the youngest and least experienced person in the room, I actively engaged with the experienced CVC investors, listening attentively to their stories, strategies, and valuable advice. They shared their journey in the world of investments, offering valuable insights into the intricacies of venture capital and corporate partnerships.

Axis Innovation Conference

Tel Aviv is Axis Innovation's flagship conference about Israeli startups and global innovation. The event brought together entrepreneurs, investors, and visionaries. It offered valuable insights into the latest trends and opportunities in the Israeli startup scene. Here's a short video about it:

The one day event was action-packed, brimming with panel discussions with a wide range of topics and Israeli startup pitches. One of the highlights was the discussion on corporate models for engaging with startups. Industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs shared their insights on effective strategies for corporations to collaborate with innovative startups.

Another crucial topic that generated considerable interest was the best mix in a venture round from venture capitalists (VC) and corporate venture capitalists (CVC). Also, fintech, security, telecom and SaaS startups showcased their services and products.

Some of the speakers include Eilat Cohen Basat, Managing Director of Global Digital Innovation Lab, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Alex McCracken, Managing Director of Silicon Valley Bank, Dede Goldschmidt, Vice President and Managing Director of Samsung Catalyst Fund and many more corporate investors.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to engage with two distinguished female professionals whose insights and experiences were particularly noteworthy. Eilat Cohen Basat, serving in a Corporate Venture Capital role, elaborated on her career progression and strategies for success. Meanwhile, the author of Rebecca A. Fannin Tech Titans of China expressed her enthusiasm for understanding the business culture in China, highlighting her commitment to continuous learning and global awareness.

OurCrowd Global Investor Summit

After a packed and intensive few days in Tel Aviv, I made my way to Jerusalem to attend the highly anticipated OurCrowd conference.

"OurCrowd is a global venture investing platform that empowers institutions and individuals to invest and engage in emerging companies. The most active venture investor in Israel, OurCrowd vets and selects companies, invests its capital, and provides its global network with unparalleled access to co-invest and contribute connections, talent and deal flow."

The entire week had been a whirlwind of excitement and learning. I immersed myself in a completely new ecosystem and a foreign country.

The OurCrowd conference in Jerusalem was a highlight of the week. The event commenced with an inspiring opening speech from Isaac Herzog, the Chairman of the Executive Jewish Agency for Israel. He warmly welcomed all the participants to the renowned "startup nation." As the conference unfolded, Jon Medved, the Founder of OurCrowd, took the stage and provided a comprehensive update on the Israeli tech landscape. His insights and expertise shed light on the current state of the industry, some exciting developments, trends, and breakthroughs happening within the nation's startup ecosystem. Here you can read more of the highlights.

I also find OurCrowd startup investing 101 guide quite helpful. You can read it here.

Management Training with The Squadron

During my eventful week in Israel, I had the privilege of spending an afternoon with Israeli CVCs attending a highly impactful training session delivered by The Squadron. This workshop was specifically designed to equip participants with the tools and strategies needed to continually learn, evolve, and excel in their respective roles.

The training session was a unique and immersive experience that involved a series of F-16 flights and debriefings. Drawing lessons from the Israeli Air Force's renowned approach to continuous improvement and success, the workshop aimed to instill a culture of constant learning and innovation among the investors. Throughout the F-16 flights, we were exposed to intense and dynamic scenarios that demanded quick thinking, precise decision-making, and effective teamwork.

The experience with The Squadron left a lasting impression on me. The workshop served as a powerful reminder of the importance of adaptability, resilience, and constant self-improvement in the fast-paced world of venture capital. You can read more about leadership and Israeli airforce here.

Experiencing the Israeli culture

Beyond the business aspect, I made sure to immerse myself in Israel's rich culture and traditions. I visited historic landmarks, explored vibrant markets, and savored the delicious local cuisine. These experiences allowed me to gain a deeper appreciation for the country and its people.

The dynamic blend of innovative technology and ancient heritage left a lasting impression on me. As I returned to Helsinki, I carried with me the fond memories of Israel's bustling streets and the hope of building strong bridges between Israel and Finland in the tech spheres.

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