In Part 1 story, you can learn about the history of STARTUP LIVE! and how my team made the event happen. Read it here.

The STARTUP LIVE! 2022 kicked off with an energetic performance by Freedrum, setting a fantastic atmosphere for the event. It's a pleasure to have a Malmö based startup on stage presenting their innovative products. We are also grateful for the partnership with local company Sproud, who showcased their local offerings. Additionally, we are delighted to have the support of Skåne Innovation Week, who generously sponsored the venue and provided snacks for the event.

The event was supported by Region Skåne – utveckling & innovation I Region Skåne I HETCH AB I Sony Startup Acceleration Program Europe I Advokatfirman Vinge I SEB I Mindpark I The Ground

Freedrum was performing at STARTUP LIVE! 2022

In the following blog, I will share some of the insightful takeaways from our panelists and speakers.

Knowledge highlights

The future of impact investing

Venture capital investors, traditionally focused solely on financial returns, are now actively seeking companies that generate significant social or economic impact. To delve into this trend, we invited a panel of experts to explore the reasons behind and strategies for investing in companies that tackle global challenges.

Impact Investing Panelists

The panelists include Joel Larsson, GP, Pale blue dot, Aurora Kroon, Global Art Director, Sproud, and Alfredo Jollon, CFA, Managing Director, Stockholm Techstars Accelerator, and moderated by Thathsara Palliyaguru.

Key takeaways:

  • It is crucial to carefully consider our allocation of resources. Now is the time to channel our skills, strengths, and passion towards sustainable business models.
  • The development of impact investing faces the risk of being delayed as startups encounter difficulties in securing funding amidst the current economic climate.
  • While technological advancements are inevitable, founders must remain concerned about the funding landscape. It is essential to remember that extraordinary companies often emerge from challenging times.

The future of transportation

Elonroad emerges as a leading contributor to the imperative pursuit of sustainable mobility on a global and local scale.

A holistic charging solution for all electric vehicles – commercial or private, light or heavy, autonomous or not, to use while driving or parked. Data heavy, highly connected and fully automatic! The system can be used to build charging infrastructure such as electric roads, charging stations and opportunity chargers at stops and loading bays. We provide the necessary next steps to electrify the future of transportation in a sustainable way!

During the event, Karin Ebbinghaus, our dynamic keynote speaker, took center stage to present Elonroad's bold vision. She passionately shared the company's mission to revolutionize the future of transportation and actively combat climate challenges. Karin captivatingly began her speech with an anecdote, recounting the inception of the idea of charging on the go, which stemmed from a snowy winter day in Lund, Sweden, where Dan Zethraeus found himself driving through the snow-covered roads.

Karin Ebbinghaus was on stage talking about the future of transport

Key takeaways:

  • We should acknowledge the importance of prioritizing electric vehicles as a means to reduce carbon footprint and promote sustainability.
  • Elonroad presents a timely market entry with its innovative charging system that allows for charging while driving, offering a significant climate impact.
  • Achieving a sustainable future requires not only the introduction of new technologies but also a shift in people's behavior. Electrification should be implemented across various settings, from stationary locations like ports and mines to highways.

The future of tech in Africa

The African startup ecosystem has experienced dynamic and rapid growth in recent years. With African tech startups set to exceed $4 billion by 2022, there has never been a better time to be optimistic. The fact that venture capital investment has increased significantly over the last five years is a good narrative for Swedish tech startups to get involved on the continent. Our next panelists have not only ventured into the African market but are working tirelessly to build a better future for the people of Africa.

Future of Africa panelists

The panelists include Prudence Persson, Co-founder, and CEO, Manje Health, WJ Y., Founder and CEO, Mbegu Solar, and Gertrude Chilufya Westrin, Jnr Developer, Qlik.

Key takeaways:

  • Before entering the market, it is essential to understand the industry landscape, business practices, and cultural nuances. Immersing oneself in the local culture is a valuable starting point.
  • East Africa offers a conducive environment for innovation: The region has a well-developed and thriving tech ecosystem, making it easier to find potential partners and collaborators for business ventures.
  • To successfully bring Swedish tech solutions to Africa, it is important to identify the specific challenges faced by the local population and understand their needs. The world needs to learn to value the potential of the African market and its people.

The future of food

Food waste poses not only social and economic challenges but also significant environmental implications. As we confront the global challenge of feeding a growing population, it is essential to focus not only on increasing food production but also on minimizing food waste. Lund-based innovative food tech startup is at the forefront of driving change by developing technologies that address climate change issues.

During the keynote address on nature conservation, Vahid Sohrabpour, Ph.D., CEO, and co-founder of SAVEGGY, presented alarming global statistics to highlight the urgency of the issue. He showcased how SAVEGGY's biotech edible solution can effectively combat food waste while also reducing plastic consumption, aligning with the company's mission to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Vahid Sohrabpour was on stage talking about the future of food

Key takeaways:

  • One-third of global food production goes to waste, with 45% of fruits and vegetables being discarded. Agriculture accounts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions and consumes 7% of freshwater resources.
  • Plastic waste is a significant concern, with 300 million tonnes generated annually, 91% of which cannot be recycled. Packaging alone contributes to 60% of toxic waste, and excessive plastic wrap usage is observed, such as 6 to 7 million cucumbers in the EU.
  • SAVEGGY aims to eliminate single-use plastic on fruits and vegetables, offering an edible solution that protects produce and extends its shelf life. The solution is derived from natural ingredients, aligning with the goal of nature protecting nature.

The future of product

In the era of the circular economy, the future of hardware products will be driven by a transition towards sustainable design, efficient resource utilization, and longer product lifecycles. This raises the question: What does it mean to develop a sustainable product? How can companies create solutions that not only satisfy customer needs but also have a positive societal impact? To explore these topics, we brought together a diverse panel of experts—a hardware founder, a software product manager, and a former marketer from Otaly—to share their valuable insights on building products that are not only loved by customers but also environmentally friendly.

Future of Products Panelists

The panelists include: George Charkviani, CEO and Co-founder, Freedrum Studio AB, Mariana Sanchez, Digital Product Manager, Allihop AB, and Andreas Granath. founder of Waerna.

Key takeaways:

  • Companies must focus on creating services that serve society and the planet, aligning with global sustainability goals. The transition to a circular economy requires strategic thinking to ensure products do not worsen existing problems.
  • Promoting consumer awareness about the impact of their choices is crucial, emphasizing the cumulative effect of decisions over time.
  • Companies with physical products face scrutiny in a circular economy and should strive to be more than just a recycling solution.

The future of venture capital

On one side, some argue that venture capital funding can provide the necessary resources, expertise, and network to propel startups to success. On the other side, skeptics believe that relying on venture capital can come with potential downsides such as loss of control, pressure for rapid growth, and a focus on short-term gains. To explore these topics, we invited three investors to host a debate on the future of venture capital.

Future of VC panelists

The panelists include: - Kenneth Dambo, VC at Copenhagen-based Dreamcraft Ventures., Isabel Nilson, Investment Manager at Spintop Ventures, and Ida Herbertsson, Head of Fast Track Capital, Minc.

Key takeaways:

  • When considering whether to raise venture capital (VC) for scaling your business, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the pros and cons that extend beyond financial considerations.
  • Building your business involves choosing the path that aligns with your vision and goals. VC funding can provide substantial capital, enabling rapid growth, market expansion, and access to valuable networks and expertise.
  • It is equally important to conduct thorough due diligence on potential VCs, assessing their track record, industry expertise, and cultural fit. Exceptional VCs will encourage discussions with their existing portfolio companies, allowing you to gain insights into their approach and support.

The future of technology

In this session, we invited Rodrigo Rios, a startup community evangelist and Innovation Manager at Sony Startup Acceleration Program Europe (SSAP) to deliver a keynote about how Sony is building a sustainable future.

Rodrigo Rios was on stage taking about future of tech

Key takeaways:

  • Sony is committed to becoming carbon-free by 2030, demonstrating its dedication to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Through Innovation Studios, Sony is embracing 'cradle-to-cradle' design principles, aiming to minimize environmental impact across the entire product life cycle.
  • Sony is actively mentoring early-stage startups to help them realize the potential of their core businesses in addressing global challenges. Startups are encouraged to focus on technologies that can achieve at least an 80% reduction in emissions, emphasizing the importance of leveraging technology for sustainable solutions.
  • Sony's portfolio companies span various sectors, including cutting-edge technology, mobility, agriculture, gaming, SaaS, and health tech, reflecting their commitment to driving positive change across diverse industries.

The future of next-generation entrepreneurs

Recognizing the vibrant student startup ecosystem in the Nordic region, I was excited to host this session with Aliya Sabir, Head of Sustainability and Startup Space at HETCH AB, who spearheads TECHSHIP – an empowering program for young adults aged 18-25 to test their ideas in Helsingborg and beyond. We are witnessing an increasing number of success stories emerging from student ventures, but how can we cultivate an entrepreneurial culture starting from a young age?

Aliya Sabir was on stage talking about the future of youth entrepreneurship

Key takeaways:

  • TECHS is a comprehensive 10-week program tailored for young adults with an interest in tech innovation and entrepreneurship. It provides a structured path to guide participants from the ideation stage to creating prototypes and eventually establishing their own companies.
  • Project X focuses on product development, emphasizing the importance of building prototypes, assessing the innovation level of ideas, gathering market insights, and testing and validating concepts. This holistic approach enables entrepreneurs to grasp the entire business cycle and effectively bring their ideas to the market.
  • It is essential to remain open-minded and provide opportunities for young entrepreneurs to gain valuable (tech) experience. Recognizing their potential and positive energy, it is worthwhile to invest time, resources, and mentorship in guiding and supporting them, as remarkable achievements can arise from such experiences.

The future of mental health

Startups have recognized the opportunity to utilize innovative technologies to address mental health issues affecting billions of individuals. We had the privilege of hosting Tiffany Boswell, the Co-founder and co-CEO of Meela. Meela stands out as a matching platform that connects women with highly suitable therapists, aiming to provide individuals with the necessary support and assistance to improve their well-being. The session is moderated by Katalin Vikuk.

Future of mental health tech panelists

Key takeaways:

  • The field of psychology has traditionally been shaped and influenced by male perspectives, leading to inherent biases. These biases have impacted the way mental health is understood and treated. Women are disproportionately represented in mental health statistics, and they are more likely to seek and pay for therapy compared to men.
  • Therapy stands as one of the most effective solutions available to combat the ongoing mental health crisis. Recognizing its significance is crucial in promoting overall well-being and addressing mental health challenges.
  • The therapeutic approach taken by mental health professionals plays a vital role in shaping the treatment process. The chosen modality greatly influences the techniques and tools used, as well as the dynamics within the therapy room.

My hopes for the future

During the event, Martin Güll, Chief Digital Officer, of the City of Helsingborg shared how his team is building a startup city where founders can test bed their ideas in Helsingborg. Support from the regional and national agencies is also critical in boosting the Swedish tech ecosystem.

Startup events, like STARTUP LIVE! and many others I've attended in the past years, serve as catalysts for inspiration and collaboration among founders, investors, and tech talents. These events provide a platform for networking, fostering new ideas, and forging lasting relationships. 

I strongly believe in the power of community efforts. I hope that individuals with knowledge and insights will continue to come together, sharing their expertise and working collaboratively to build an even stronger and more vibrant community.

By uniting our strengths, we'll create an environment that nurtures innovation, empowers startups, and ultimately leads to a better future for all. Don't you think?

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